Time is Golden

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Masha Allah! Kebesaran Hadith ...


It's Friday...pagi2 lagi saya 'on' Radio IkimFm ... and while I was driving to work, saya sempat dengar satu motivational talk by seorang ustaz tentang sebuah seminar perbandingan agama.  Dia kata, panel yang terlibat ada 4 orang ... beliau sendiri mewakili Agama Islam, seorang Pastor yang mewakili agama Kristian, seorang wakil Budha dan seorang lagi wakil Hindu.  Yg paling menarik tentang motivasi pagi hari ni is the Ustaz's story on  a question given by the Christian pastor (kalau Pastor tu, utk Christian Protestan ya?) ...

Kalau diikutkan format seminar (bukan forum), panel tak boleh tanya soalan kepada another panel ... Tapi, Pastor tu mungkin sengaja nak tunjuk hebat agaknya (pada pendapat sayalah, ustaz tu tak nyebut gitu), dia pun tanya ustaz tu:

"Kenapa orang Islam perlu berselawat kepada Rasulullah (s.a.w.)?  Adakah itu bermakna, Muhammad itu sendiri tidak selamat?"

Jawapan ustaz:

"Bukan tidak selamat...itu tandanya Rasulullah s.a.w. sentiasa bertawadhu' dan merendah diri walaupun Baginda telah dijanjikan syurga oleh Allah s.w.t.  Selain dari itu, sebenarnya, apabila kita berselawat, kita yang mendapat untung sebab apabila kita berselawat ke atas Rasul, Allah serta para malaikat akan mendoakan keselamatan kita berganda-ganda kali"

Pastor tu pun terdiam.  Dalam seminar perbandingan agama itu, the audience are mostly students and they are mostly Christian and diorang macam berpuas hati dengan jawapan ustaz tu... Memandangkan Pastor tu dah start 'tak adhere' pada format seminar (takleh tanya soalan), ustaz tu pun ambik kesempatan, tanya pulak soalan ni kepada Pastor tu:

"Mr. Pastor, awak percaya tak kepada 'penurunan semula' Nabi Isa ke dunia pada akhir zaman nanti?"

Jawab Pastor tu:  "Sebagai orang Kristian yg baik, ya, saya percaya"

Tanya ustaz tu lagi:  "Awak tahu tak tujuan Nabi Isa turun semula nanti?"

Jawab Pastor:  "Ya, Nabi Isa akan turun semula untuk 'menyempurnakan' agama Kristian"

Jawab Ustaz:  "Jadi, awak mengaku agama Kristian sebenarnya tidak sempurna?"

Pastor tu pun terdiam...Lepastu, salah seorang audience yg beragama Kristian bangun dan tanya Pastor:

"Do you have a certain answer to that question?" and the Pastor answered "Frankly speaking, I don't"

See??? Pastor tu dah terperangkap di situ... Lalu, ustaz tu pun berkongsikan ilmu tentang peristiwa penurunan Nabi Isa di akhir zaman nanti mengikut hadith Rasulullah s.a.w.:

  • Tempat Nabi Isa turun nanti is on a tower somewhere in Syria ...
  • Wajah Nabi Isa bercahaya-cahaya seperti permata & mutiara.  Beliau akan memakai baju yg berwarna putih kekuningan, rambutnya sangat hitam berkilat dan bila mana beliau tunduk, rambut beliau akan kelihatan seperti air yang sedang mengalir. Warna kulitnya, putih kemerahan-merahan seperti orang yang baru keluar dari bilik air... Subhanallah!
  • Tugas Nabi Isa turun ke bumi ada 4: 

          i.   Menghancurkan semua salib di dunia ini
          ii.   Membunuh semua babi di dunia ini
          iii.  Membunuh Dajal
          iv.  Membunuh Ya'juj Ma'juk

  • Apabila Nabi Isa muncul di masjid ketika Imam Mahadi sedang mengimamkan solat, Imam Mahadi akan meminta Nabi Isa untuk mengimamkan mereka tetapi, beliau akan menjawab "Tugas aku mengimamkan manusia sudah terhenti pada kita Injil.  Tugas aku hanyalah empat perkara tersebut" (Subhanallah!  Bila saya dengar point ni, saya terfikir:  Untungnya kita menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w.) kerana agama Islam telah disempurnakan oleh Rasul kita - please refer to Khutbah terakhir Rasulullah s.a.w.)

Sambung ustaz tu lagi... menurut hadis, selepas itu nanti, orang-orang Islam akan bersatu dengan orang-orang Kristian untuk membunuh Dajal serta Ya'juj Ma'juk yang disokong oleh Yahudi serta golongan pemuja syaitan dan itulah yang dipanggil Armageddon terakhir... - (So, tolonglah be aware of Illuminati punya lambang ya?  Golongan ni, kat Malaysia pun dah ramai)

Subhanallah!  Allahu Akhbar!  Syukur Alhamdulillah, saya telah memulakan hari saya dengan perkara yang sangat bermakna buat diri saya hari ini... Kesimpulannya, lagi banyak kita belajar, lagi banyak kita rasa kita 'tak tahu'...Kena cari lagi, dan cari lagi... Cukuplah buat setakat ni catatan saya buat hari ini... Satu persoalan yg timbul di minda saya ialah "Kalaulah ada org Kristian yg nak berdebat dgn saya hari ini, bersediakah saya?'  Jawapannya:  "Tidak!  Belum lagi..."  Semoga Allah mempertemukan saya dengan lebih banyak lagi perkara-perkara atau ilmu-ilmu yang bermanfaat buat saya ... Amin...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Best Teacher



I'm still alive ...

I was working through some office matters ... a little bit of Facebook every now and then ... checked on my feverish 7-year-old-baby ... got bored and finally came about this blog ...

My English language has gone rusty...sigh... (thanks to the mother tongue interference) ...

Don't know  exactly what to write ... but I came across this cool photo :

Cool, isn't it?

Frankly, I've done a lot of mistakes in life to reach what I am now ... 
My father and my husband has taught me the same thing ...
"Admit your mistake, otherwise, other people will exaggerate the story" ...
The question is ...
"How many of you out there can actually admit your mistake?"
"How many of you out there can actually see your own mistake and have the courage to admit it?"
"How many???"
No one knows for sure ...
One thing for sure, those who have the courage to admit their mistake are pretty RARE ...
Therefore, many stories have been exaggerated ...
Scary, huh?

The truth is ...
Humans learn from mistakes ...

Good day peeps!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

We Were Stalked!!!


Not yet in the mood of writing but I just want to share this photo here.  I find it really cute and it has a very special place in my heart...

This photo was taken this afternoon by a student who were eavesdropping and stalking us ... LOL  He thought we didn't notice his camera from the next partition to my best buddy's room. FYI, we love camera!  No matter how good you are at hiding your cam, we will see it and we'll give you our best smile :D

The one in pink is me and the one in blue is my best buddy Shuhada M. H.  We're both teaching English.  As usual, we share the same feeling of 'emptiness' once the semester ends.  Our students are leaving for their semester break and we'll be left busy marking their final exam papers...

Thank you Lukman & Afiq (I'm not really sure who caught this on camera), looking forward to meeting you again next semester!  

Until then, to all my dear students, have a safe journey home, take good care of yourself and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Assalam peeps!  Good day!  Good day!  Good day!

I just came back from Kedah (it's a fairly peaceful state at the northern side of the Peninsular Malaysia) for an M.O.A. signing ceremony between KUIN & KIPSAS...bla bla bla... All I wanna share here is my experience meeting with the Kedah Chief Minister (dalam BM ~ Menteri Besar):  YAB Dato' Seri Ustaz Azizan Razak, former senior Economics lecturer in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)... In conjunction with the collaboration with our college, he gave us a heart-felt speech before signing the agreement.  I personally think that it was a truthful and sincere speech from an educator to another educator...

Firstly, I'd like to describe YAB Dato' Seri Ustaz Azizan as a person whom face melts anyone's heart that looks at him... A very calm, highly educated, pious, multi-lingual (he speaks fluent Malay, Arabic & English) and humble man.  A very humble man indeed!  He pointed out that he truly understands the predicament educators have to face each time the 'system' interferes.  

Secondly, he pointed out that we should all come together and form a strong workforce to inculcate Islamic values in the education system.  This should start from us ~ The educators.  I was so touched with this point because this proves to show that I'm not alone in this world.  My friends and me bukan syok sendiri! No people!  We're not building castle in the sky!  What we've been aiming for is indeed the right action.  So keep it up!  Keep on teaching the 4 skills and inculcate the Islamic values!  Bring it on people!!!

Thirdly, he pointed out that the Kolej Universiti Insaniah (KUIN) is ever ready to collaborate with Kolej Islam Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah (my workplace - KIPSAS) for as long as the program is based on Islamic values... First, USIM, now KUIN.  Both Islamic higher learning institution are now with us in continuing the effort of disseminating Islamic education to the nation.

This brings me to my team ~  How ready are we?  We're just a bunch of language lecturers / teachers.  English lecturers to be exact.  I for one, have a very poor Islamic education background.  Nevertheless, I do realize the importance of weaving the Islamic values into the English courses we offer here in the college.  Otherwise, the kids from the Islamic School in our college will never stop barking at our language programs no matter how much we explain to them that we mean well...

To conclude, no matter where we are, no matter what we do, as a Muslim, we should never leave our religion behind.  Islam is a way of life.  We should explore for teaching materials that can help us weave the Islamic values into our daily teaching plan.  All our English courses should be able to assist us in carrying ourselves to heaven.  The point is:  We only live here in this world for up to 60 - 70 years (that's our life span). Good English alone will only help us in this life, but if we blend it with comprehensive Islamic values, THAT should be good for eternity, the life after life, the HEREAFTER... Insya Allah! 

"One of the signs that one is a heaven occupant is when we (the occupants of the current world) look at him (or her) it soothes our heart..."