It is so typical of me...when I'm sad / angry / offended, I need time to cool down and choose not to write or say anything on the matter that upsets me. Now that Hari Raya (Aidil Adha) is just around the corner, I wish to bring your attention to this matter - During Hari Raya, the common scenario is that people will try their best to impress their guests by decorating their houses (hias rumah), new curtains (langsir baru), new furniture (perabot baru), and they'll take out their best silverware (queen ann and what not), cutlery (like sudu garpu), pinggan mangkuk mahal2, branded plasticware like Tupperware and so on and so forth. Ok, saya nak guna BM pulak - tapi jgn ketawa kalau BM saya salah tau! I'm writing this because ramai followers yg asyik mendesak saya utk menulis di sini (sebenarnya 2 orang je follower yg desak - Fatin n Yan)...Jadi, ceritanya begini: Bila tiba hari raya - saya teringat pada pelbagai kisah2 raya yg berlaku di sekeliling saya...Antara yg paling popular di zaman sekarang ialah tentang ibu bapa / mertua yg nampak sangat pilih kasih...atau dalam bahasa omputihnya double standard (favoritism pun boleh jugak).
Saya selalu sangat mendengar keluhan rakan2, saudara-mara, adik-beradik, students dan ramai lagi tentang issue ini - Pilih kasih. Kalau anak-menantu yg berjaya (secara harta n pangkat), ibu bapa selalu bangga2kan mereka. Perkenalkan kepada sahabat-handai yg kunjung ke rumah pada raya tapi yg tak berapa nak kaya ni, tak berapa diendahkan. Yg selalu dipuji-puji pun, yg senang. Yang selalu diberi layanan istimewa pun, yg senang. Cucu yg dilayan dgn baik pun, anak pada anak2 yg senang itu. Ini semua sbb di mana ada gula, di situlah ramai semut menghurung. Saya selalu dengar, anak yg byk 'hulur' duit byk2 n bawak byk buah tangan, yang itulah yg akan lebih2 dilayan. Pada pendapat saya, ini sangat2 malang pada anak-menantu yang 'tak berapa senang' - dahlah mereka takleh nak bermewah-mewah sbb kekangan kewangan, mereka tak blh pula nak 'bergembira'...Bila raya, merekalah yang selalunya kena buat kerja yg banyak - mula dari ngemas rumah parents / in-law, hinggalah ke bab menyediakan juadah2 istimewa. Bukan itu saja, bila anak-menantu2 yg 'kaya-dan-byk-menghulur' balik, anak-menantu yg susah ni jugak yg kena 'menghambakan' diri mereka melayan segala-galanya. Anak-menantu2 yg senang cuma riba tangan dan goyang kaki. Mana adil macam tu? Kesian mereka: Kalau canggitu, ORANG SENANG AKAN BERTAMBAH SENANG DAN ORANG SUSAH AKAN BERTAMBAH SUSAH...Adakah mereka cuma layak jadi 'orang dapur' saje semata-mata kerana mereka tak ada kerjaya?
Biar saya ceritakan kenapa saya pilih tajuk di atas...Sebenarnya setelah 13 tahun saya mendirikan rumahtangga - Saya telah melihat / mendengar pelbagai kesah rumahtangga / kekeluargaan. Nak kata byk pengalaman tu, takdelah sangat tapi I've seen / heard enough to see the reality of life. Pada saya, anak-menantu kaya dan miskin ni boleh disamakan dengan set2 pinggan mangkuk yang mahal dan murah. Kenapa? Sebab anak-menantu kaya ni jarang ada di rumah org tua mereka, mereka sangat sibuk tapi nilai mrk tinggi sbb 'poket tebal'. Kualiti mereka dikatakan tinggi , oleh yg demikian, jgn dikasari atau jgn byk songel dgn mereka kerana kononnya mrk lebih educated....sama dengan set pinggan mangkuk yg mahal yg jarang digunakan - hanya dikeluarkan sekali-sekala pada musim raya kononnya utk mempamirkan 'status' keluarga tersebut kepada tetamu, lalu pinggan mahal itulah selalu dipuji-puji dan dibangga-banggakan. Walhal, pada hari2 biasa, pinggan-mangkuk murah n biasa je yg digunakan. Pinggan-mangkuk itulah yang berbakti pada keluarga kita. Kalau terhempas, terserpih, lalu cacat dan digunakan pula utk fungsi lain seperti dijadikan pengalas pasu ke, pengalas periuk nasi ke, dan macam2 lagi. Kira...boleh guna lagi lah jugak. Apa yang ingin saya tekankan di sini ialah, pengguna pinggan mangkuk murah itu selalu LUPA. Mereka seolah-olah tidak sedar bahawa pinggan-mangkuk itu boleh terpecah / terserpih / retak sebenarnya disebabkan kecuaian mereka sendiri. Tak berhati-hati semasa mengendalikannya di dalam aktiviti harian mereka dan bukanlah kerana pinggan murah tidak berkualiti tinggi. Cuba kita bermuhasabah diri seketika...Cuba kita ingat kembali - pernahkah kita berkasar bila kita mengendalikan pinggan mangkuk yang mahal? Pasti tak pernah, kan? Maka pinggan-mangkuk mahal tidak mungkin akan rosak lalu dipandang jelek. Amacam? Sama tak dengan amalan melayan anak-menantu yg senang? TETAPI! Bila musim raya berakhir, anak-menantu yg senang akan pulang ke rumah masing-masing...sama dengan pinggan-mangkuk mahal, akan disimpan kembali di dalam tempat yang istimewa. Seterusnya, pinggan mangkuk murah digunakan semula...sama dengan anak-menantu yang tak berapa senang atau 'miskin' atau 'susah'...mereka tidak akan berada jauh dari ibu bapa / mertua kerana, biasalaaaaah, orang tak sekolah tinggi...mana pergi jauh kan? Namun demikian, akan ada usaha / cubaan2 mencantumkan pinggan2 pecah itu semula...namun, ia tetap tidak akan sama seperti dulu...
Bagaimana pula dengan penggunaan pinggan-mangkuk plastik? Plastik? Orang putih kata - Plastik ni benda yang olok-olok. Example: Plastic smile - buat2 je senyum, tapi tak ikhlas. Plastic surgery - bedah je buat2 nampak cantik, padahal dah cacat atau dah berkerepot...Kalau kat Malaysia ni, org paling suka / pandang tinggi pada Tupperware sbb ia mahal. Kalau plasticware lain, org tak heran sangat. Tapi, pernah tak mereka sedar, Tupperware ke....Tipuware ke....Semuanya plastik! Kalau selalu digunakan - boleh jadi beracun. Yang ini, boleh disamakan dengan golongan-golongan yang hampeh! Nampak bagus, tapi sebenarnya beracun dan tak elok untuk kesihatan jiwa, badan, dan paling parah, kesejahteraan keluarga.
Saya bukanlah datang dari keluarga yang susah dan saya juga tak fikir saya tergolong dalam kumpulan anak-menantu susah tapi di dalam perjalanan hidup saya untuk sampai ke tahap hari ini, saya telah melalui pelbagai fasa kehidupan. Saya pernah melalui pelbagai fasa, dari kecil hinggalah dewasa, berkahwin, dan beranak-pinak. Dan dalam hidup saya yang hampir 40 tahun ni, saya selalu memerhati gelagat manusia dan bergaul dengan orang di pelbagai peringkat atau dlm bahasa ongputihnya - All walks of life...Baik yang jutawan, kaya, sederhana, miskin dan papa. Baik yang angkuh, bongkak, sombong, sedikit sombong mahupun yang merendah diri. Baik yang alim, sederhana alim, mahupun yang jahil. Baik yang berpelajaran tinggi, sederhana mahupun yang amat rendah. Baik yang di dalam negara mahupun yang di luar negara...Kalau org kata, yang beragama takkan bongkak, saya dah jumpa org alim yang bongkak atau 'ujub dalam diri'...Kalau org kata, yang duduk kat kampung / felda takkan sombong, saya dah jumpa orang kampung yang sombong. Kalau org kata, orang bandar sombong, saya dah jumpa orang bandar yang tak sombong. Apa lagi yang perlu saya tengok ya? Bukanlah saya tahu semua, tapi seperti yang saya nyatakan tadi - I've seen enough to learn the reality of life...
All in all, saya telah sampai ke satu keputusan iaitu KITA CUMA MANUSIA - HAMBA ALLAH DAN SELAGI KITA BERGELAR MANUSIA, KITA TAK BOLEH MENGHUKUM MANUSIA, DAN KITA TAK BOLEH MENGUKUR MANUSIA. HANYA ALLAH SAHAJA YANG LAYAK MENGAGIH-AGIHKAN MANUSIA PADA KELASNYA MASING-MASING. Janganlah kita menjadi ibu bapa / mertua yang menderhakai anak-menantu terlebih dahulu jika tak mahu anak-menantu menderhakai kita...Bagi anak-menantu yang senang pula, janganlah kita mengambil kesempatan di atas anak-menantu yang susah kerana kita patut menghargai mereka. Mereka adalah orang yang terdekat dengan orang tua - sekiranya apa2 hal berlaku pada orang tua kita, merekalah yang akan sampai dulu...bukan kita! Janganlah kita menyombong kerana 'sombong' itu adalah warisan 'syaitan' - tidak akan masuk syurga orang2 yang ada sikap sombong walau sebesar zarah sekalipun! Bagi saya pula, saya sayang keluarga saya, tak kiralah keluarga saya sendiri mahupun keluarga suami saya - Sama ada mereka sayang saya atau tidak, itu di luar bidang kuasa saya. Senang je, kita jangan buat apa yang kita tidak suka org buat kat kita TAPI kalau kita ok tapi orang buat jugak benda teruk2 kat kita, itu namanya diorang MANGKUK HAYUN! Allah Maha Mengetahui...Allah Maha Melihat...dan Allah Maha Adil...Kalau diorang mangkuk hayun kat kita, satu hari nanti dia pun akan terkena dengan mangkuk hayun lain - What goes around, comes around! Just like my boss always say "The harder you throw a rubber ball, the harder the ball will come back to you", so redha aje, tunggu dan lihat....PEACE!
Don't judge me by my past, I am not in the past anymore. Accept me for who I am because this is me TODAY ...
Time is Golden
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Ever heard this word before? RECIPROCATE...
It' such an alien word to many but quite familiar to me. In short, it means GIVING BACK! Why is it so difficult to do it? I don't have the answer to that question...
I believe in karma--What goes around will surely comes around buddy! I believe in being good to others. I believe in respecting others regardless what they do for a living - as long as it's halal, that person deserves respect and I believe in sharing...And when I give, I don't expect that particular person whom receive my gift will reciprocate...deep in my heart, I believe some day, some where, there will be someone sent from above, comes along and help me when I'm in need :) Believe me, it has happened to me several times :)
Allah has never failed me--even to the very last minute. Therefore, I must reciprocate to the Almighty...
But the questions are...What if the people closest to you, whom you care and love so much treat u bad? What if they hurt your feeling? What if they 'reciprocate' your TLC with shit? What would you do? - Tough questions eh?
It might look tough but it is all up to you to look at it...Do you choose to be optimist or pessimist? I choose to be optimist if that happens to me, because I believe it is just a test from the Almighty and time will heal (What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger)
All in all, WHAT YOU GIVE YOU'LL GET BACK, therefore, don't just TAKE, GIVE a little! Learn to reciprocate!
It' such an alien word to many but quite familiar to me. In short, it means GIVING BACK! Why is it so difficult to do it? I don't have the answer to that question...
I believe in karma--What goes around will surely comes around buddy! I believe in being good to others. I believe in respecting others regardless what they do for a living - as long as it's halal, that person deserves respect and I believe in sharing...And when I give, I don't expect that particular person whom receive my gift will reciprocate...deep in my heart, I believe some day, some where, there will be someone sent from above, comes along and help me when I'm in need :) Believe me, it has happened to me several times :)
Allah has never failed me--even to the very last minute. Therefore, I must reciprocate to the Almighty...
But the questions are...What if the people closest to you, whom you care and love so much treat u bad? What if they hurt your feeling? What if they 'reciprocate' your TLC with shit? What would you do? - Tough questions eh?
It might look tough but it is all up to you to look at it...Do you choose to be optimist or pessimist? I choose to be optimist if that happens to me, because I believe it is just a test from the Almighty and time will heal (What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger)
All in all, WHAT YOU GIVE YOU'LL GET BACK, therefore, don't just TAKE, GIVE a little! Learn to reciprocate!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Huh... huh! Have to keep on blogging religiously!
Just recovered from hubby took me to my mom's and later to his mom's...We left Rayyan (our eldest son) at my mom's after breaking the fast there with Harith, Abang Ngah and the rest...Then, off to his mom's place, where we gather with that side of family...I think it's wonderful to be blessed - with two loving families...
Rayyan chose to stay the night at my mom's and Razin (our second son) chose to spend the weekend at my mother-in-law's...leaving Rizqin (youngest son) alone with us tonight...
The kids had fun - played fire cracker, met their uncles and aunts, being spoil by their grandparents, etc. Now that it's the local fruits season, everything (fruits) around my mom's place are riping tremendously - the rambutans, durians, cempedak, mangosteen and what not...So I took some to my mother-in-law's for everybody to enjoy...
My mother seems very happy lately, now that my Abang Ngah comes home more often - it's the 'Mother-n-Son' bonding thingy...With Harith, Raafiee and Abang Ngah around, my routine is enlightened by 90% as compared to the last Ramadhan when my mom was bed ridden...
It's been two years since my dear father passed away and I must say that it is the first time ever since, I am able to see my mom happy again--eating well, smiling, laughing but there was never a day she failed to mention about my late father.
It really eats me up inside each time she talks about my father...A love so sincere and dear...There was a day when I tried to cheer my mom with some oldies numbers and when the song "I Did It My Way" played, she said "Oh, Ayah suka lagu ni, Ayah punya favorite"...and everyone became suddenly quiet --lost in their own thoughts about Ayah / Aki...
The point is, TOGETHERNESS is a therapy for those with broken wings...There is a point in your life some day (if not now), you'll find that nothing else matters other than 'togetherness'...It really feels good when we can be together with the people we love - parents, spouse, siblings, friends (true friends) and team members...To me, team members are crucial to get things done (this refers to the English Unit-you know who you are)...
We have to live in serenity to be happy and that serenity is's not the food that we eat, it's not the house we live in, it's not the car we drive, it's not the clothes we wear but it's the sense of belonging, the love, the unity and everything that comes along with it that keep us going...
I am blessed to be placed here with my love ones and these include Allah, Rasulullah pbuh, my parents, my family, my friends, my children (at home and in college)...Alhamdulillah...
Just recovered from hubby took me to my mom's and later to his mom's...We left Rayyan (our eldest son) at my mom's after breaking the fast there with Harith, Abang Ngah and the rest...Then, off to his mom's place, where we gather with that side of family...I think it's wonderful to be blessed - with two loving families...
Rayyan chose to stay the night at my mom's and Razin (our second son) chose to spend the weekend at my mother-in-law's...leaving Rizqin (youngest son) alone with us tonight...
The kids had fun - played fire cracker, met their uncles and aunts, being spoil by their grandparents, etc. Now that it's the local fruits season, everything (fruits) around my mom's place are riping tremendously - the rambutans, durians, cempedak, mangosteen and what not...So I took some to my mother-in-law's for everybody to enjoy...
My mother seems very happy lately, now that my Abang Ngah comes home more often - it's the 'Mother-n-Son' bonding thingy...With Harith, Raafiee and Abang Ngah around, my routine is enlightened by 90% as compared to the last Ramadhan when my mom was bed ridden...
It's been two years since my dear father passed away and I must say that it is the first time ever since, I am able to see my mom happy again--eating well, smiling, laughing but there was never a day she failed to mention about my late father.
It really eats me up inside each time she talks about my father...A love so sincere and dear...There was a day when I tried to cheer my mom with some oldies numbers and when the song "I Did It My Way" played, she said "Oh, Ayah suka lagu ni, Ayah punya favorite"...and everyone became suddenly quiet --lost in their own thoughts about Ayah / Aki...
The point is, TOGETHERNESS is a therapy for those with broken wings...There is a point in your life some day (if not now), you'll find that nothing else matters other than 'togetherness'...It really feels good when we can be together with the people we love - parents, spouse, siblings, friends (true friends) and team members...To me, team members are crucial to get things done (this refers to the English Unit-you know who you are)...
We have to live in serenity to be happy and that serenity is's not the food that we eat, it's not the house we live in, it's not the car we drive, it's not the clothes we wear but it's the sense of belonging, the love, the unity and everything that comes along with it that keep us going...
I am blessed to be placed here with my love ones and these include Allah, Rasulullah pbuh, my parents, my family, my friends, my children (at home and in college)...Alhamdulillah...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
My Promise...
This is it! Some time ago I promised myself to begin a blog...most of my friends are hyper-active bloggers and I'm kinda behind time. So many things to write, donno what to begin with...
Am not in the pink of health! I should get some rest and begin my new day with some physical exercises. Consulted my doctor this morning and she gave me 2 days' medical leave...But I miss going to my college--my workplace--The place where I put all my will to help people (my pupils) and gain self satisfaction from.
I believe I should begin this blog with a happy story. Last fortnight, one of my students won an English Elocution Contest...I chose him from one of my classes to represent the college and he won the second place. Not bad at all. He used to be one with no hobby and no ambition - I gave him a pretty long talk (nag) on the importance of having a goal, pushed him a little and tried to instill his confidence by giving him that opportunity. I don't believe I did so much as to make him a winner but he won! And I guess, I can't help but to say "Hey! I must have done something right!" (smile)
Another happy story is the enrolment of my new colleagues - Yan, Fifi and Hakiman. I hope to see more happy things ahead of me...After all, YOU ARE WHAT YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE and I believe my best time is ahead of me...See ya!
Am not in the pink of health! I should get some rest and begin my new day with some physical exercises. Consulted my doctor this morning and she gave me 2 days' medical leave...But I miss going to my college--my workplace--The place where I put all my will to help people (my pupils) and gain self satisfaction from.
I believe I should begin this blog with a happy story. Last fortnight, one of my students won an English Elocution Contest...I chose him from one of my classes to represent the college and he won the second place. Not bad at all. He used to be one with no hobby and no ambition - I gave him a pretty long talk (nag) on the importance of having a goal, pushed him a little and tried to instill his confidence by giving him that opportunity. I don't believe I did so much as to make him a winner but he won! And I guess, I can't help but to say "Hey! I must have done something right!" (smile)
Another happy story is the enrolment of my new colleagues - Yan, Fifi and Hakiman. I hope to see more happy things ahead of me...After all, YOU ARE WHAT YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE and I believe my best time is ahead of me...See ya!
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